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Become a Member.
Step on a journey with us.
When you become a member, your contribution supports the Library in its mission to rebuild and strengthen its identity and importance as a vibrant cultural hub in New York City. You will be able to participate for free in most our events and have access to all of our books—so you can stay connected to your Hungarian roots, including live talks (our HALTalk series), movie clubs, and other events.
As a non-profit, we entirely depend on contributions and fundraising events, therefore your membership is an integral part of the success of our mission.
1 Sign Up
To purchase this plan and use its benefits in the future, log in to your account or sign up.
2 Payment
Order summary
Annual Reading Membership$25.00
Duration: Until canceledTotal$25.00
every year
You will be charged yearly until canceled.
Secure Checkout
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